Michal Jakob

Michal Jakob

Dr. Michal Jakob is a principal researcher and the deputy head in the Agent Technology Center, Dept. of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague. He leads the Agent-based Computing for Intelligent Transport Systems research group which explores how multiagent simulation, coordination and planning can be used to build flexible, efficient and secure multimodal transport systems. Michal Jakob leads the centre’s involvement in the SUPERHUB FP7 project, where he leads the critically important journey planning and mobility matchmaking workpackage, in the newly started MyWay EU FP7 project, where he is responsible for the design of the mobility resource management platform, and in the RODOS (Development of transport systems) national technology centre of competence.

In the past, he was leading other research initiatives applying artificial intelligence techniques to transport-related problems, including the very successful U.S. Office of Naval Research-funded AgentC project, which developed novel techniques for analyzing, modelling and disrupting maritime piracy. Michal Jakob has published over 40 scientific papers and is a principal inventor on two international patents.

Michal Jakob received a PhD degree in Artificial intelligence and biocybernetics from Czech Technical University in Prague in 2008. Before joining the Agent Technology Center, he was a research scientist with British Telecommunications (BT), developing resilient decentralized architectures for service-oriented computing and network-centric information fusion. Earlier in his career, he worked as a game AI programmer for Illusion Softworks (now 2K Czech), a leading European game studio.


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Martin Rehák

Martin Rehák

Martin Rehak is a lecturer and senior researcher in the domain of network security. He is currently a principal engineer with Cisco Systems, working in the domains of network security, anomaly detection and machine learning applied to security problems in general. Prior to his current role, Martin was a CEO&CTO of Cognitive Security since its creation until the acquisition by Cisco Systems in 2013, where he led the design, productization of innovative Network Behavior Analysis solution and built a VC-funded company around the technology. In the past, he was a full-time researcher with Agent Technology Center, where he worked on a number of projects in the domain of multi-agent systems, trust management, distributed planning and scheduling and distributed optimization. Prior to his CTU position, Martin was member of the Mobile Communication Operations team of Schlumberger Smartcards (now Gemalto), where he was working on definition, design and integration of novel location-based and other value added services for major European and African operators. Before obtaining his degree, he was a freelance contractor to diverse Czech and French companies, including General Electric Medical Systems. Martin holds an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris and a Ph.D. in AI from CTU in Prague. He has authored or co-authored more than 60 papers in the field of network security, anomaly detection and multi-agent systems.


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Milan Rollo

Milan Rollo

Milan Rollo works as a senior researcher in the Agent Technology Center at the Department of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague. His main research interests are multi-agent systems, especially distributed team action planning, communication management and resource allocation in mobile ad-hoc networks and distributed knowledge acquisition and maintenance. At present he is active in a field of collective robotics, with focus on deployment of AgentFly technology on autonomous UAVs and light sport aircrafts (funded by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). Milan received a MSc in technical cybernetics (2002) and doctoral in artificial intelligence (2009) from CTU. He was a visiting researcher with Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), Pensacola, USA in 2008. In the past he participated on several research projects funded by EU, ONR, ARL and AFRL.


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David Šišlák

David Šišlák

Dr. David Šišlák is a senior research scientist in the Agent Technology Center at the Department of Computer Science at Czech Technical University in Prague. David is the chief system architect for AgentFly and Aglobe systems. He participates in many research projects related to these systems funded by Czech and also foreign research sponsors. His research interests are in future ATM concepts and UAV control focusing on decentralized collision avoidance algorithms in air-traffic domain, efficient communication, knowledge maintenance in inaccessible multi-agent environment, large-scale multi-agent simulations and agent frameworks.

David Šišlák received a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics in 2010. David is an author or co-author of many cited publications in proceedings of international conferences and journal papers. He received the prize for the best dissertation of 2010 awarded by the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics and several other international awards during his PhD study.


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Jiří Vokřínek

Jiří Vokřínek

Dr. Jiri Vokrinek is a senior researcher and the deputy head in the Agent Technology Center, Department of Computer Scinece and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic since 2001. He has a university master degree in Technical Cybernetics and a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics from Czech Technical University in Prague. His research interests are artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, planning and replanning in multi-agent systems with focus to two fields: (i) manufacturing, virtual organizations, supply-chain management and logistics and (ii) autonomous vehicles coordination and cooperation, mission planning, and team coordination.
He was participating on projects in the fields of agent-based planning in manufacturing (IST Trial Project ExPlanTech, 2000-2002) and extra-enterprise production planning and virtual enterprises (IST Project ExtraPlanT, 2002-2004), advanced agent-based technologies for supporting virtual organizations (IST Integrated Projects ECOLEAD, 2004-2008, PANDA, 2005-2008, and CONTRACT, 2006-2009), and agent-based production processes simulations (Austrian government funded project CONCEERN, 2003-2005). He was also participating on U.S. Army sponsored research in the field of distributed planning and coordination (I-Globe, 2008) and agent-based coordination and planning for heterogeneous teams (AgentScout, 2009-2010, Tactical AgentFly, 2009-2012 and AgentFly-In-Air, 2011-2012).
Now, he is involved in research of distributed planning and coordination, production planning, negotiation protocols, unmanned vehicles cooperation, logistic optimization and traffic simulations. Currently, his activities support EU project D3COS and U.S. NAVY founded project Traffic Flow Modeling and he is in management commitee of COST action Autonomic Road Transport System. Since 2010, he is also in charge of development and deployment of advanced planning systems for Foxconn CZ manufacturing company.

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Přemysl Volf

Přemysl Volf

Premysl Volf is a senior researcher in the Agent Technology Center at the Department of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague.
His research is focused on distributed large-scale high-fidelity simulation in the air traffic domain, simulation and modeling of behavior of human air traffic controllers and distributed cooperative algorithms used for collision avoidance in the air traffic control. Premysl is the leader of the AgentFly project and participated in many related projects.

Premysl holds master degree in Software Systems from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague and PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics from Czech Technical University in Prague.


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