Michal Pěchouček
email: michal.pechoucek@agents.fel.cvut.cz
web: http://agents.felk.cvut.cz/pechoucek
phone: + 420 (2) 2435-7355
skype_ID: michal.pechoucek
Linkedin Profile http://cz.linkedin.com/in/pechoucek/
Google Scholar Profile, Research ID profile my my publications
my Google calendars: private, university, COSE
my short (2010) cv and my full (2007) cv
Professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Head of Agent Technology Center, Deputy head for research at Department of Computer Science, Director of Open Informatics Programme
Founder with Cognitive Security and AgentFly Technologies. Advisory board member with FL3XX.
In 2011 visiting professor at University of Southern California, TEAMCORE lab (Fulbright fellow), in 2006 visiting scientist at University of Edinburgh (Royal Society of Edinburgh), in 2003 visiting professor at State University of New York at Binghamton, in 2000 postdoc researcher at University of Calgary.
Chair of the board of directors for EURAMAS, member of the board of directors of IFAAMAS. Visiting/honorary member of the Artificial Intelligence Application Institute, University of Edinburgh, member of the advisory board of the Center for Advanced Information Technologies, SUNY Binghamton. Member of the scientific council at Masaryk University, School of Informatics, Member of Czech Science Foundation Panel on Computer Science. Received Czech Mind (Ceska Hlava) Prize for Invention in 2010, Czech Engineering Academy Award 2007 and several best paper awards. Author of more than 190 papers, 22 WOS impact-factor journals, h-index is 12/12/20 (according to WOS/MicrosoftAcademic/GoogleScholar) and number of citations is more than 300/500/15000.
Proud father of three princesses, supporter of People in Need Foundation, a marathon runner.