Hall of Fame:
Binghamton University
Accuracy = 80.3% |
Queens University
Accuracy = 76.8% |
Andreas Westfeld
HTW Dresden
Accuracy = 67% |
Czech Tech. Univ.
Accuracy = 65% |
View the full list »

The final scores obtained using all the images of BOSSRank (1) are:
1) HugoBreakers: 80.3%
2) Gül&Kurugollu: 76.8%
3) Andreas Westfeld: 67.0%
Hats off to them!
If you want to continue to play BOSS at home, go to the materials section and you will find all the different items in order to test your steganalysis method and try to break Hugo.
(1) the scores previously advertised in the Hall of Fame were noisy because they were computed by selecting randomly 900 images out of 1000.